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​"A child's play is not simply a reproduction of what he has experienced, but a creative reworking of the impressions he has acquired." Lev Vygotsky
Early-Childhood Development


As a PARTNER FOR PARENTS advocate, we will help you raise a healthy, compassionate child who will develop self-esteem and respect for others.  To make sure that their physical and emotional needs are met we will focus on GROSS MOTOR, FINE MOTOR, LANGUAGE, COGNITIVE, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL, SELF-HELP & ADAPTIVE, and MORALS & VALUES.  

  • Gross Motor involves building big muscle groups of the body.  Scooting, crawling, walking, jumping are all examples of this.  You know what this leads to such things as kicking the ball, dancing, and biking. 

  • Fine Motor focuses on learning hand-eye coordination.  When children learn how to control precise muscle movement in their hands this builds fine motor skills.  Coloring, tearing paper, among other activities reinforce this development.  Did you know that when you let your child draw or play with legos that they are helping their mind and hands to be engaged almost simultaneously?

  • Language is the domain that is centered on the child's ability to speak, read,  and write.  Reguarly reading and talking with your child(ren) is very important and the conversations that you engage your child(ren) in enhance their ability to express themselves.

  • Cognitive encompasses learning cause and effect plus reasoning.  Math skill, counting, and patterns are all apart of the the preschool learning years.  

  • Social & Emotional are areas that we as parents must conquer and children are no different.  Learning how to play with others is a skill that must be taught in a safe and nurturing environment.  Children learn from what they see and we are their first examples, so we must use manners and model kind behavior as much as possible. The habits that they learn now will be ingrained in them as they grow older. 

  • Self-Help & Adaptive is a domain that you will notice your child(ren) beginning to show some independence and will begin to take care of themselves such as leaning how to dress or eating on their own.  Potty training is a big milestone here, but do not worry with a little bit of patience and guidance your child will get it!

  • Morals & Values are taught to children through having a love and respect for themselves but this model behavior comes from Mom and Dad and then is reinforced by the daycare/preschool staff.  



​Getting Ready For School


When children are having fun and enjoy what they are doing, they learn very quickly the skills they need for success. Our program entails this and more, by teaching the children through fun activities.  The children love participating in daily activities, songs, and games.  Our hands on activities are teaching them and getting them ready for school.  Our preschool program provides fun daily activities such as circle time or group time, words to songs or rhymes, letter time, number time, large motor activities for the entire week.  So if your little one comes home singing the "HELLO SONG"  or hopping and dancing around the house, they are showing you how much fun they are having learning and exploring their new world around them.  Hoorah!

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